Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The "f" word

One day when I was still studying at Vanderbilt, I started talking to one of my favorite teaching assistants about my experience serving the Korean church. And I mentioned how frustrating it was to work with the Korean pastor followed by the commentary that I didn't think of myself as a feminist, but he came close to making me one. To which, she replied, "Oh, Sherill, you are one! You just don't like the "f" word."

I guess she is right. The "f" word has so much baggage associated with it that doesn't reflect my views. Yet, I do think women have gifts to bring to the table that men do not and I'm sorry that women are still struggling for the right to express those gifts in some areas of our culture. And, unfortunately, the church is still one of those places.

I discovered this video on the Urban Abbess' blog and it too comes close to making me a feminist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are many of us out here who feel as you do, just hate that word.