Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Momma G's

As part of our celebration of Steven's honors yesterday, Craig, Steven and I had a late dinner at Momma Goldberg's (affectionally known as Momma G's). I haven't been there in 25 years but it was much as I remember it. I spent a alot of time there especially during my freshman year. And now Phillip is the age I was when I first walk into Momma G's.

If only we could have had ice cream at the Sani Flush!

(Disclaimer! This picture was taken before I was born! But it looked much the same as I recall. I am sure that the reason that AmSouth was assimilated into the great Regions network was as punishment for tearing down such a wonderful landmark!)

And for those of you who were at Auburn in the 80s, check out this Alumni page:
You Might Have Been at Auburn in the 80s if . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that may have been the first place you took me at Auburn.