First, a shout-out to Shane Kennedy and the Trinity Singers for sharing their gifts with the New Life congregation this morning! It was wonderful to have Brandon Shapiro accompany us on the hymns, Matthew Shapiro played a wonderful composition of his own for the postlude, and the Singers themselves almost made me cry when they sang "Walk Along Beside Me." Music--good music--is such a part of Trinity that I'm sure the youth have no idea how much their gift added to our worship today!
The past few weeks have been very busy! I'm behind on many things so naturally updating my weekly internet discoveries has not been the highest priority. But on this rainy Sunday afternoon, I thought I'd take some time to share some of what I have been reading midst all the running around!
Due to the nature of my current sermon series on the Apostle's Creed, I've been very aware of news related to beliefs and the impact they have on people. So check out what "flat-earthers" really believe; the mindset of the Class of 2012; the impact of the belief in "do-overs"; one young woman's belief in the power of logic; the power of belief in a good God midst a world of pain; and do we truly believe in a gospel in which there is not Greek nor Jew?
Is conflict inevitable between Christians and Muslims?
What will it mean for the U.S. if minorities becomes the majority?
How to avoid common Power Point mistakes! (Be sure and check this one out!)
Living together--the new "norm"
Naming the Elephants: Words from Young Adults in Ministry
Beer and the Bible? Theology on Tap? What will folks think of next?
Unusual places to find Jesus.
Sinners in the hand of a really cool God?
Britain is Repossessing America!!!
Eric Bagwell is starting a sermon series: The Gospel According to U-2! Sounds great!
Over at Theoblog, they are asking for people's memories of The Late Great Planet Earth. My memory is of my first "real" date when I was sixteen and the only movie my parents would let me see (read less than an R rating) showing was The Late Great Planet Earth -- the relationship lasted about as long as the movie.
What should we do about Biblical ignorance?
A beautiful blessing for students
Larry reflects on journaling (not one of my strongest spiritual disciplines!)
Coffeepastor reflects on the roller coaster ride of ministry which he calls pastoral bi-polar.
I want to join with Joshilyn Jackson in her Monday resolution to be more like Jesus and less like a hun! (By the way, if you haven't read any of her books I highly recommend you check them out!)
Would you buy fire insurance from this man?
Before Google, there was Foy Union! As all AU students know, if you have a question you call Foy Union. But Foy Union is going the way of all worn out ugly buildings and so the Student Desk is moving but you can still get your answers!
24 hours of Christian Television. This hour: Joel Olsteen.
And in honor of the Olympics, a reflection on that great Olympian, Eric Liddle. (I need to pull out my copy of Chariots of Fire!)
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