1. Of all the bands/artists in your record collection, which one do you own the most albums by? CDs – Rich Mullins, Albums—Bob Dylan
2. What was the last song you listened to? Being Alive by Dean Jones from the Musical Company – Love that Broadway channel on Sirius!
3. What’s in your record/CD player right now? A CD from the band Sister Grace that played at Hazel Green’s Women’s Retreat.
4. What song would you say sums you up? I’m Just A Girl Who Can’t Say No from Oklahoma –need to work on my boundaries when it comes to commiting my time!
5. What’s your favorite local band? I don’t know—how about New Life’s Worship Band
6. What was the last show you attended? I guess it was The Band That Made Milwaukee Famous at the Crocodile Café in Seattle in April of 07.
7. What was the greatest show you’ve ever been to?.Jimmy Buffett in Auburn while I was a student!
8. What’s the worst band you’ve ever seen in concert?.I heard some really bad singers on open mike night at a Jazz Club in Seattle
9. What band do you love musically but hate the members of? Hate? How about don’t approve? Lots of them but I guess I”ll have to go with Green Day
11. What show are you looking forward to? I would really love to see Jimmy Buffett in concert again!
12. What is your favorite band shirt? I shouldn’t admit this—but it was a Hank Williams Jr t-shirt (does he count as a band) that said, “If you don’t like Hank Williams . . .” (I've not worn it since I had kids and not only would it not fit now but I wouldn't dare wear it!)
13. What musician would you like to hang out with for a day? Rich Mullins – of course that will have to wait for the next life.
14. What musician would you like to be in love with for a day? Oh—I think Craig would prefer I pass on that--(But probably Bruce Springstein)
15. Commodores or solo Lionel Ritchie?.Commodores
16. Punk rock, hip hop or heavy metal? pass
17. Name 4 flawless albums:
Tales of Imagination and Woe –Alan Parsons Project
The Jesus Record—Rich Mullins
Blood on the Tracks—Bob Dylan
Children of Sanchez—Chuck Mangione
18. Did you know that filling out this survey makes you a music geek? Sure
19. What was the greatest decade for music? Of which century ;-D 1960s
20. How many music-related videos/dvds do you own? Don’t know—not too many unless you count movie musicals
21. What is your favorite movie soundtrack? Right now—Chicago
27. What was your last musical ‘phase’ before you wised up? My tastes are too eclectic for a “phase” I’ve always listening to lots of different styles. My last “phase” was a period in my teens when I listened mainly to 60s folk but I haven’t really wised up.
28. What’s the crappiest CD/record/etc. you’ve ever bought? A tie between Extreme’s Pornograffitti (perhaps the title should have been a tip off!) which had only one good song “More than Words” and Dexy Midnight Runner’s Too-Rye-Ay which also only contained one good song, “Come on Eileen”
29. Do you prefer vinyl or CDs? CDs
Extreme's Pornograffitti is a fantastic album. Although, I get completely that if you were looking for a whole album of "More Than Words" you would be disappointed. I love "He-Man Woman-Hater". Shout out to the Little Rascals.
I think you should break out the Hank Williams Jr. tshirt for the next band event for Laura.
I do believe I have outgrown that shirt in more ways than one. However, it might be fun to see just how much I could embarrass my children.
The infamous t-shirt: "If you don't like Hank Williams you can kiss my (picture of donkey).
The funniest story about that shirt was when you had that kidney infection BK (before kids) and you spent the night in the hospital. You asked me to bring you a shirt to change into to go home.....
I should have realized it was not appropriate. I'm glad you forgave me.....
I tried to get Jason to sing "More Than Words" to me for my 30th birthday. You can imagine how that went over...
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