Quite honestly, this is more of a monthly review! Sorry I've been so behind but I've been busy with church and conference responsibilities and now I'm preparing for a trip to West Virginia for my grandparent's 70th anniversary! But here is a sampling of articles that have caught my attention lately!
I'm sure all of you have wondered how the candidates shape up against the teachings of the United Methodist Church! If so, check out this guide.
Are we born liberal or conservative?
I'm working on it, but are you comfortable being uncomfortable? To what extent are you willing to change for the sake of a new generation?
Sarah Palin has brought Pentecostalism to the attention of the media, but it is also one of the fastest growing parts of Christianity in the world. Sarah Palin and Women Preachers!
Is there a relationship between sobriety and stewardship?
More on the Gospel Today Controversy.
What questions should pastors ask themselves as they leave church each Sunday?
Want to increase church attendance? How about advertising the fact that statistics show that teens who attend church regularly have higher GPAs?!
The Truth about Teen Girls
Jail and Jesus
What stock would Jesus buy?
3 Signs of a Miserable Job
I'll miss Paul Newman! I have a soft spot for good looking actors who know how to make a marriage work!
What to do when your teen complains about church? Make him or her go!
College students are rebelling! Forget that contemporary stuff, give them liturgy!
See you when I get back from Terra Alta!
Image: Steven and I at Grandpa and Grandpa's 50th Anniversary Celebration!
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