Friday, December 5, 2008

Weekly Review -- Dec. 5th

I've been fighting off the "crud" all week--leading to sleepless nights and sluggish days, but here are few things that did get my brain out of neutral:

Gen X Rising shares the inspiring story of a woman pastor and the impact her life made.

Here are some examples of Christian Education that appears to work!

A beautiful story of common ground found at Christmas.

It's no wonder "Stuff Christians Like" is receiving recognition, it is hard not to mention every one of their posts. But here are a couple that stood out:
Wondering if God Is Enough? And yes God is!
7 Sports Myths Christians Love (Although I disagree with a few observations--particularly I must point out that God truly did love the Dallas Cowboys under Tom Landry's leadership more than the rest!)

Donate a dollar and make a difference in the world! Give up one drink, donate a dollar, and provide one well in the Sudan!

Let's hear it for a book that tackles the Hard Questions of the Bible respectfully!

Magpie Girl describes a life of pain using the Spoon Theory. If you or any one you know or love is struggling with chronic pain, take a moment to read her post.

An interesting reflection on the difference between communal discernment and individual discretion when choosing what to see or read.

Scrooge lives! We have seen the enemy and the enemy is us!

The stories behind 10 popular Christmas songs.

Phillip Yancy reflects on what to look for in a healthy church. And a related post on feeling thankful and uncomfortable.

Lack of playtime is hurting our children!

Do we really know what makes for happiness?

Speaking of which we are working more hours and suffering from more stress! Anyone surprised?

Internet Monk lets Ed Young know what he really thinks about 7 Days of Sex.

A new website for caregivers!

The 3, the 12 and the 120. An interesting take on how to build a church.

John Stendahl reflects on who the Messiah is and is not.

Scary Stuff:
Student Ethics (This article reminded me of an employee at Shoe Carnival who was standing in the middle of the store bragging to her friends about cheating on a test. When I checked out I commented to her that if I were her employer and had overheard that conversation, she probably wouldn't have her job long because how could any of us trust her. Sadly, she seemed shocked to make that connection.)
Planned Parenthood Gift Certificates
A Powerful and Polarizing Pastor

Some alternative ways to celebrate Christmas:
Advent Conspiracy
Christmas is not your birthday

And for our laugh for the week: One of my favorite songs from one of my favorite Christmas albums:

Now for my all time favorite Christmas special:

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