Some day I'll come up with an exciting name for this weekly post--but as I'm sure you know I'm title challenged. In any case, here are some interesting links from this past week:
Ben Witherington calls in with his reflections on burying a loved one with their cell phone! This brings new meaning to the old practice of sending a wreath with a phone that reads "God called"
In Memorium: Texas Stadium! Can it be? Really? I remember when they built it and I remember riding up those big huge escalators to our seats in the nose bleed section. I think we only went once but that was in the Tom Landy/Roger Staubach glory days! To borrow from the article "Oh what memories!" (and you can tell by this picture that God was smiling.)
Joshilyn Jackson shares 10 Things at Once True and Unprovable. What would your list of 10 be?
Also check out "How to Write a Book, part II"
And Rachelle reflects on 8 Songs Her Heart Sings
Youth Ministry For Youth or By Youth
The Jazz Theologian has a series of blogs reflecting on Obama's faith journey as a way of thinking about how to reach a post-modern world. One important observation that stands out to me is that for this new generation belonging preceeds believing!
Did the Magi Wear Mullets?
What can the church do about the problem of human trafficking? And does the US really have one of the world's largest problems?
What it means to be Whole-Life!
What could be worse than a Boy Named Sue
From the Naked Pastor: A Promising Start and Sticks, Stones, and Names
Are there really similiarities between the UMC and the Big 3?
I saw Doubt on Broadway with my ICE group. When we left the theater we were passionately divided on whether or not the priest was guilty! I noticed at Barnes and Noble that a book is now available. And I fully intend to see the movie. This is not light, fun viewing but I highly recommend everyone see this and reflect on certitude and doubt. I also think it is an important reflection for any of us who may at some point have to make a decision in a similar situation.
Holiday Survival Guide for reducing stress
Something to celebrate: Madison County is one of the best places to weather the recession!
I'm sure I'm the only one confusing the controversial hiring of Chizik and the firing of Cizik.
So there's an excuse for teens being so sleepy and grouchy in the morning!
Ideas for how the church can respond to the recession
How can the church influence culture?
Putting the fun in fundamentalism
Letters to God find a home
What Satan Can and Cannot Do
I wasn't going to mention it again, but this post by Gavin Richardson on Ed Young's sex challenge is well worth reading..
How interesting that at this time of the year, the biggest relgious news is not Jesus (other than a bunch of baby Jesuses being taken from Nativity Scenes), but rather Obama asking Rick Warren to give the invocation at the Inaugaration (and let's not forget he has also asked James Lowery, a United Methodist, to give the Benediction.) Here are some observations on the Warren's invitation.
Adam Hamilton bemoans intolerance on both the left and the right end of the political spectrum
As does Ben Witherington
Carol at Tribal Church is weary of the Culture War

Some Christmas reflections
God Whispers to Us of His Love
What's In a Name?
A Peace and Justice Christmas
. . . and she suddenly realized . . .
Christmas: Between Two Worlds
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