Well, it is that of year again. The time of year when a United Methodist pastor's thoughts turn to . . . . appointments.
Okay-so not all of us. I, for one, am very glad to have no need to speculate on who is going where this year other than to pray for friends who will be part of the process and to pray for wisdom for the Bishop and the Cabinet as they make appointments.
But my husband was evidently taking a break at work today and exploring what the internet had to say about United Methodists. (I'm sure he was on a coffee or lunch break at the time! Right hon?)
Anyway, he found the Wikipedia article on the United Methodist Church which contains the following line under the paragraph on "Clergy":
The appointment making process may put Bishops and Superintendents in danger of falling into Moral hazard insofar as they incur no risk and suffer no direct consequences for any mismatched appointments they may make.
Wouldn't you love to know the story behind that addition!
Or maybe not . . .
I'm sure I was looking up something work related on wikipedia, and you know how one thing leads to another when you're reading the encyclopedia...
you think the cabinet reads your blog??~
I'm sure they have better things to do. In any case, I keep wondering when someone will dispute or change or adapt that line. Obviously someone somewhere had a bad experience.
Ahh the beauties of Wikipedia
i think 'moral hazard' is a good way to put it! have news by voice :)
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