Saturday, February 14, 2009

Eclectic Echoes Feb. 14th

Happy Valentine's Day! Jason Boyett gives the low down on the origins (spoiler alert--it will ruin most of the myths you've heard) And in honor of the day, you may want to play the Valentine Day Movie Blurb Game.

Adam Hamilton is both hopeful and concerned about the future of the UM Church, while Dan Dick thinks we are acting like Chicken Little.

Speaking of Dan Dick, he encourages pastors to move beyond a goal of being a mediocre church as well as asking pastors and churches to think about their theology of worship.

Don't Ruin the Romance

Bad Christian witness of the week! This story is being mentioned in many blogs, but here is the original: No tip, because we don't believe in working on Sundays!!!!

The Dangers of Wii !

Consider yourself warned: America's Dirtiest Hotels

In Memory of Millard Fuller.

Americans are more loyal to Colgate and Charmin than to church

More for Radical Centrists: Meet Me in the Middle

Last week, a group of us gathered at New Life to explore our Spiritual Gifts, so I found this new poll from Barna on Americans and their knowledge of spiritual gifts interesting.

Interview with Adam Hamilton

And check out Faith Rising's My Space Page for some hard hitting Christian Music. (Two of the band members are part of New Life's Water's Edge Praise Band)

A rather serious laugh for the week

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