Saturday, March 14, 2009

Eclectic Echoes -- March 14th

Heaven: A Breakfast Free Zone (check this out for the worst Christian video I have ever seen!)

A Tribute to my Favorite Monkee: Peter Stork

Left Behind--David Wilkerson predicts the Apocalypse
John Piper responds (and this may be the only time I agree with the view of a neo-Calvinist!)
iMonk also replies

Speaking of John Piper, Times Magazine has declared the New Calvinism as one the 10 ideas impacting the world right now.

Why I Stay United Methodist

The Wesley Report shares one perspective on the proposed UMC constitutional amendments.

How deep is the well clergy draw from?

10 Church People You Shouldn't Trust AMEN!
And 10 Toxic Things You Should Never Discuss on the Internet

Scott McKnight weighs in on the Junia/Junias debate.

We're Number 2 -- Alabama ranks 2nd in the U.S. in the number of people who say religion plays an important part in their daily life. My question would be: But does it really make a difference or are does our culture encourage folks to say that!

Speaking of Alabama and how much our faith may or may not impact our daily life, check out David Barnhart's Monday Afternoon Constitutional Haiku

Reflections on Leadership
Leadership Tension During Tough Times
And Steve West reflects on family systems, spiritual formation and leadership. (I'm so sorry I missed this workshop but I agree wholeheartedly with Steve's observations.)

The Sound Guy Neck Crane (and may I add I agree 100% that microphones DO hate God!)

Unexpected Arrival

Church is a Tag-Team Sport! (I'll tell two friends and they'll tell two friends and they'll tell two friends . . .)

Tom Wright weighs in on "Surprised by Hope" (I highly recommend this book!)

Let's hear it for Trickle Up Innovation!

And this week's laugh--which is only for now

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