Friday, March 6, 2009

Eclectic Echoes March 6th

On Wednesday night, 16 year old, Tara, flipped her car three times and is now in Huntsville Hospital in a coma. Her parents are regular attendees at New Life. Please keep her in your prayers as well as her family and friends.

Five Reasons Not to Give Something Up for Lent (some great insights on the purpose and value of Lenten Discipline and the importance of Sundays as "little Easters"

Crummy Church Signs

We canceled church on Sunday due to the snow, but the snow in Huntsville and grant was not any where near as pretty as here!

The UMC and Easter Hope

What to do with your hands while singing at church (assuming you aren't holding a hymnal!)

What do people expect from a sermon?

Jesus take the wheel?
Singing Pretty Songs

The big UMC news this week was Grace Point UMC--a new growing congregation--and its decision to leave the denomination. What can we learn from it? This from the Wesley Report. Dan Dick at Methodeviations also chimes in.

Bishop Willimon reflects on lessons learned in leading transformation.

Axegesis--the “uncritical demolition or misrepresentation of a text or portion of a text, especially the Bible”

Confessing "Safe" Sins -- I love the idea of the gift of going second.

Beauty Tips for Ministers has long been one of my favorite blogs. Here Peacebang shows us how to properly apply mascara.

In memory of Dr. Suess: 10 Stories Behind Dr. Suess stories

In Memory of Paul Harvey

This week's laugh--compliments of Steve West

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