Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Difference a Teacher Can Make

With three kids aspiring to be teachers, I am aware more than ever of the difference good, passionate teachers can make in the lives of children.

And in the wake of Susan Boyle's inspiring debut at age 47, my heart is warmed to see a teacher helping children achieve their dreams much earlier! So I couldn't wait until Friday to share this great video of music teacher, Gregg Brainberg and his PS22 chorus. As Eugene Cho says in his blog;
“Why wait till 47 - a la Susan Boyle.” Invest in kids. Believe in kids. Love on kids. Build them up. I was reminded of a quote from Frederick Douglass: It is easier to build strong children than it is to repair broken men (grown-ups).

For more of PS22's music, check out their blog.

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