Friday, May 1, 2009

Eclectic Echoes--May Day Edition

For all the band geeks out there: Don't mess with the Marching Band Girls! You can do serious damage with a clarinet!

Church Lessons from HGTV (see even men can learn something from this wonderful station!)

Internet monk reflects on his latest attempt to become a complimentarian.

Lovett Weems on Congregational Integrity

The British Methodist Church seeks to connect faith with daily work

This I truly don't understand! A Pew Study which reveals that white evangelicals approve of torture

Jon at Stuff Christians Like reflects on the problem with equating bad times with bad people.

Bishop Woodie White reflects on suicide.

United Methodist Women seek change in denominational relationships

The UM Judicial Council affirms that UM clergy cannot perform same sex unions.
Jack reflects on that ruling.

Know of any women church planters? We have one in our district, but are there any others?

The Naked Pastor reflects on how visiting churches is like dating.

Read this testimony of how a Kaiaite Jew came to be baptized.

The Story of Ehud for Kids

The Trouble with "Christian America"

Get Thee To a Nunnery: The Shakespeare Insult Generator

Laugh of the week:

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