Monday, February 15, 2010

Time to Face the Strange Changes

Well, it's been two years since I've quoted David Bowie, but it is that time again.

No, I'm not moving. I will be returning to New Life for a third year! This past year has been very busy for us. As a congregation, we spent six weeks reflecting on God's vision for New Life and now have a new vision statement that we will use to develop a two-year strategic plan for ministry! We used some wonderful material from Alban Institute called "Does Your Church Have a Prayer?" that I highly recommend despite the fact that we did call it "Journey to the Promised Land" since some church members found the title a bit negative. Our leadership team took the results of six weeks of congregation Bible study and a sermon series (compiled by the teachers) and used them to develop the following statement:

The mission statement of the United Methodist Church is:
To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world
Therefore, we will:



We followed that process with a successful stewardship campaign. So in 2010, we will work hard to live into all our hard work this fall! And I look forward to seeing where God's vision leads us in the coming year.

And if that wasn't challenging enough, God has called us to yet another change. Beginning June 1st, I will also serve as the Associate District Superintendent for the Northeast District. My office hours at New Life will decrease by 8-10 hours a week and I will be working with Dale Cohen in the Northeast District.

On a personal note, my "baby" will graduate from high school in May and we are anticipating an empty nest in the Fall when she goes off to college.

For someone who isn't a great fan of change, I see lots of changes heading my way in the next year! All prayers are appreciated!!!

1 comment:

Tony said...

Strategic planning takes some courage! I am proud of you and New Life for taking these important steps. My favorite version of the often used verse, "Without a vision the people perish" is "Without vision the people cast off restraint." Vision will happen, it is just a matter of whether it will be a centralized vision or a multi-headed hydra!

Way to go!