Friday, November 28, 2008

Weekly Review -- Nov. 28

One of the big pieces of religious news this week was the Vatican forgiving John Lennon for saying the Beatles were bigger than Jesus. Does it matter and is forgiveness necessary at this point?

And of course, there were lots of posts on gratitude.
Eugene Cho asks us to reflect on how blessed we truly are. And if you find yourself comparing what you have with others and finding yourself lacking, you might want to compare yourself to people throughout the world.
Brian McLaren reflects on the words of a favorite Thanksgiving hymn.
A Thanksgiving Thought
Christianity Today reflects on the Jewish roots of Thanksgiving.
Thinking Thankfully about Money
How can I see the light when it is so dark?

Being a Believer is All It Takes ?

What do you think about the current trend of pastors encouraging sex challenges?

Recently I had been reflecting on how we often treat the Bible like ChaCha demanding instantaneous answers from it, so I was intrigued by this article about ChaCha Christianity.

Eugene Cho remembers an amazing young man.

On the economic downturn:
Larry Lowe reflects on the American Dream.
How the current economic downturn may impact marriages.
Steve West shares a blessing for people facing an economic downturn.

Growing up, our Thanksgiving tradition included watching the Dallas Cowboys play. Here is why.

What should we do to prevent losing a new generation?

What do we do with those who aren't sure they believe, but want to give back?

Prodigal Jon asks: How Christian is Your Cubicle? He also shares someone's suggestions for church offering envelopes.

John Bryant sums up our faith.

Dan Woodling on the significance of the Jordan River spot where John The Baptist baptized for interfaith dialogue. Check out the podcast here.

Some Christians are looking for a third way in addressing the abortion problem.

Andrew Thompson reflects on the appropriateness of the Advent message to 21st Century Christians.

The North Alabama Conference seeks to find ways to do ministry with the marginalized.

Myths about Communicating Congregational Identity

Roger Ebert reflects on the state of journalism today.

This week's laugh is actually very serious and appropriate for the Thanksgiving season.

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