Friday, April 24, 2009

Eclectic Echoes--April 24th

Planning a men's retreat any time soon? Check out Dr. Awesome's Manly Men Retreats

Bono's post-Easter reflections. Check it out even if you aren't a U-2 fan.

Adam Hamilton asks "What's Your Purpose?"

Bishop Willimon on a faith based on the testimony of women.

Dan Dick asks "Do United Methodists Really Want to Be Disciples?" and the answer is disturbing!!!

The Silence of the Lambs--why isn't the Church speaking out on issues of race?

Shakespeare was wrong! A rose by any other namne would not smell so sweet! Check out this interesting research on the impact of gendered words on our experience of the world!

The Well-meaning Bad Parent

Roger Ebert reflects on why he neither believes nor disbelieves in God.

Preachers and Misfits, Prophets and Thieves: Why you should pay attention to ministers in Southern Fiction

Cartoon: Jesus please don't take the wheel!

Jon reflects on Calling Someone Anointed

Earl Freeman has a new blog and reflects on the challenge that his wife, his daughter and Jesus bring to his understanding of ministry.

A Challenge for Public Speakers

Reflections on Earth Day

The Susan Boyle Narrative

If you are going to Panoply tomorrow, be sure and check out Faith Rising at 6:30!

You! are my next sermon illustration

Speaking of which--here is this week's laugh (another one from Hospital Church)

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