Friday, April 24, 2009

UM Constitutional Amendments

This year at Annual Conference, we will be voting on 32 amendments to the United Methodist Constitution! 32 amendments can be rather overwhelming. Luckily, there are fewer actually issues at stake. However, there are a number of issues at play that are not obvious to those of us who are not knowledgeable about the different factions fighting for control of the denomination.

So today, I will share a variety of links to thoughts on the amendments. I am not sharing any particular point of view and if you know of some others please let me know. I'm gathering these primarily for my reflection and prayer and that of New Life's Lay Member to Annual Conference (this is her first Annual Conference!), but thought I'd share with others what I have found. And hopefully you can share with me what you have found.

So here they are--in no particular order:

Overview Article from The Interpreter

West Ohio Conference gives an overview of the amendments and their rationale

Dan Dick on Amendment 1 and the Temple of Doom

Maxie Dunnam on Amendment 1

John Meunier on how paragraphs 4 and 214 are different.

Maxie Dunnam on the 23 amendments relating to the World Wide Nature of the UMC

Robert Sparkman's (Hartselle First) position paper on the amendments.

Steve West's (Grace) position paper on the amendments

Eddie Fox, world director of evangelism for the World Methodist Council,on the worldwide nature of the church. You can also find a video here.

Bishop Scott Jones on why he supports the world wide nature of the Church amendments.\

A Report from the Council of Bishops and the Connectional Table to the General Conference

The Nicene Creed and the Worldwide Nature of the UMC

Article by Linda Greene on considering a new church structure

Good news article on Amending Away our Global Church

Rationale to oppose

Methodist Thinker articles: here and here

Rainbow Christians In favor of amendment 1

On extending voting rights to Local pastors, provisional and associate members. (But not to all--I confess I'm concerned about some having the right and not others)

Well this should get us started!

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