Saturday, July 23, 2011

Questions, Questions, Questions . . .

I have been overwhelmed by the wonderful questions I have received this week! And we aren't through collecting them, so feel free to jump in and add yours!

The questions have been thoughtful. Some are fun. Others express pain and struggle. Some express great faith and others great doubt. Several times while I was reading the questions I was touched so deeply I had to stop, pray and think.

I have been greatly blessed by the willingness of so many people to share their questions and struggles. Thank you!

Obviously, I won't be able to address them all during this sermon series, but I plan to share them with all the preachers at Trinity so that we can keep them in mind as we plan other sermon series and as we prepare individual sermons.

I will share the questions I have received in a series of posts. Some of the questions are redundant but I will share them anyway because they generally have a unique slant that adds to the question. I've removed identifying information because some of the questions are deeply personal. But for the most part, I'm passing on the questions as they were given to me.

Since I have so many questions already, I have placed them in three categories: Questions about God, Questions and God and Us, and Questions about Life, Faith, Christianity, and the Bible. In many cases, the questions could be categorized in two or more of those categories so I placed it where I thought it fit best. (For instance, most of the questions about the will of God do relate to God and us but I put them under Questions about God because they relate to God's character.)

Looking forward to continuing this conversation!

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